Dust Collector Filter Bags

(Click on your dust collector OEM from the list below to get an immediate quote)

Pulse-Jet Bags

Standard Filter manufactures thousands of pulse-jet and plenum pulse dust collector filter bags daily. These industrial filter bags use support cages to allow air flow from the exterior of the bag and exiting through the interior in the baghouse.

Our dust collector bags are sewn with 3 – needle chain stitch to ensure seam integrity. Top constructions consist of snap band, flange top, ring top, soft cuffs or raw edge. Bottom removal dust collectors bags are constructed with a raw top or soft cuff. Top and bottom removal filter bags have disc bottoms that are sewn using an overlock (surge) stitch or lock stitch. A wear strip or custom skirts is attached to the bottom portion of the bag to prevent premature wear from bag-to-bag and bag-to-cage abrasion. We manufacture replacement pulse jet filters for numerous OEM dust collectors (see list below).

Shaker Bags

We provide a wide variety of industrial air filter bags for use in shaker-type collectors. We manufacture replacement filter bags from both wovens and shaker felts. Standard Filter’s engineering department will recommend the filter media that will provide you the performance you expect from your shaker unit baghouse.

We offer various types of top attachments to work with the dust collector shaker mechanism you have, whether it is loop, hanger, strap, grommet or we may help you design one to fit your needs. Our bottom attachments can be made with snapbands, corded cuffs or reinforced cuffs for extra wear protection.We can also supply clamps for the standard cuff bottoms, as well as other hardware for your dust collector.

Reverse-Air Bags

Standard Filter designs and manufactures a wide variety of reverse air bags. Typical top designs are strap top, loop top, cord top cuff, compression band tops with steel caps or grommet top bags. Bottom include raw edge, cuffed, compression band or beaded cuff.

Anti-collapse rings of mild steel, stainless steel and other alloys are placed along the bag at the proper points for maximum cleaning efficiency. Standard Filter supplies clamps for the cuff bottoms.

Filter Bags

Custom Bags

In addition to aftermarket filter bags to fit OEM collectors, Standard Filter is also capable of producing custom filter bags and envelope style bags for your unique or discontinued model dust collector or baghouse.

We engineer & recommend custom filter materials that will improve your baghouse performance and improve problem applications.

Welded Seam Bags

Bags Needle holes in the vertical seam of a filter bag can be a conduit for fine particulate bleed through. In order to give you the most efficient filter possible, Standard Filter manufactures one piece welded filter tubes.

This fusing of the filter eliminates fine particle migration through needle holes in the vertical seam, allowing the entire filter tube surface to operate at a higher efficiency. We offer these filters in Polyester, Polypropylene and Ryton®.

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