Standard Filter provides filters and dust collectors for Glass Manufacturing processes
Standard Filter provides filters and dust collectors for Glass Manufacturing processes
Filtration in the wood & wood products industry can bring with it unique requirements for the baghouse. We can help.
Standard Filter works closely with fiber producers to engineer filter fabrics
Standard Filter has a long history in the metals industry working with electric arc furnace operations
Standard Filter’s very first customers were in food processing and 45 years later it is still a strong part of our business
Standard Filter knows the right filter materials that go into creating the optimal filter for your unique chemical process
Standard Filter has the right filter bag for all areas of your cement plant
Trusted Filter Solutions for Over 45 Years: Tailored for the Asphalt Industry Call us: 800-634-5837 Asphalt Industry For over 45 years, Standard Filter has been a leading filter bag supplier to the asphalt industry both as original equipment for the major manufacturers in the industry as well as a key source for aftermarket replacements for … Read more